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1 (G)I-DLE debuted首次亮相 in 2018 and has only been around for 6 years.
2 Members are from South Korea, Taiwan, China and Thailand, and include 小娟, 薇娟, 舒華, 雨琦and a popular girl group called Minnie.
3 Despite being silent沉默 for nearly five months, it kept writing records記錄 with its amazing驚人 dancing and singing skills技能.
4 Besides the popular受歡迎的 title songs "TOMBOY" and "Nxde", the released發行 "Queencard" also won the PAK 韓國音樂排行榜上的一項成就(Perfect All Kill), becoming the first Korean song on all major主要 charts排行榜.
5 舒華, her father is Hakka客家人and his mother is Atayal泰雅族人.
6 Her real name is "葉舒華".
7 She was born on January一月 6, 2000.
8 She is 161 centimeters公分 tall.
9 Finally最後 got into the drama戲劇 department部門 at華岡藝校.
10 When Cube Entertainment娛樂 was recruiting招募 trainees培訓者 in Taiwan, she accompanied伴隨 her friend to the "Cube Star World Audition試鏡.
11 The staff mistakenly錯誤 thought 舒華 was also a contestant選手, so they invited邀請 her to do an improvisation即興創作.
12 She passed the audition試鏡 unexpectedly出乎預料.